Academics » Gifted & Talented Education (GATE)

Gifted & Talented Education (GATE)

Starting in 2021-2022, we will officially become a School for Advanced Studies (SAS) demonstration site.  SAS demonstration sites receive this designation thanks to their exemplary Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) implementation. By providing high-quality differentiated instruction with an emphasis on depth, complexity, acceleration and novelty, SAS sites offer high-level academic opportunities that meet the unique educational needs of K-12 gifted learners, identified in the Intellectual Ability, High Achievement Ability, Specific Academic Ability, Creative Ability and Leadership Ability categories or verified based on critical thinking/achievement.  Our GATE coordinator Michael Schwartzbach is happy to answer any questions you may have.  Just email us at:  [email protected].

     Students who are identified as Gifted/Talented exhibit excellence or the capacity for excellence far beyond that of their chronological peers. They require differentiated educational programs or services beyond those normally provided by the regular school program so that they can realize their ability and contribute to self and society. Students, whose abilities fall in one or more of the categories, may be considered for gifted/talented identification. Parent and/or teachers can refer students to the Pomelo GATE Screening Committee for identification and placement.



WHAT: Spring OLSAT March 1 and 2, 2023)

             Makeup testing (March 3, 2023)

WHO: 2nd grade students 

RESULTS:  Mailed directly to school.